A cleaning solution for your garden and media!
System Nutrients Change Out
It is recommended that before starting a new nutrient program, systems be flushed with water and enzymes. Clean and change the systems weekly as a clean system delivers the best results.
Unique blend of mint in Enzymes Komplete™ provides superb benefits
- Balances good and bad bacteria
- Contains mint antibacterial and antiviral properties
- Mice and rats can damage any garden from seed to harvest. Rodents, spiders, ants, slugs, cabbage worms, aphids, white flies and squash bugs – none of them like the presence and scent of mint!
Enzymes Komplete™ is not a fertilizer, nutrient, or pesticide
- Helps in disease prevention (plagues, pythium, fungi, and viruses)
- Saves labour, time, heating and electricity
- Clean pots and enclosures make an ideal gardening choice
- Helps to raise the pH
- Performs in hot or cold conditions and can tolerate freezing for a short time
Enzymes Komplete™ is a wide spectrum natural enzymatic cleaner with a mint twist
Recommended for use during all growing seasons and stages
- Bacteria free and pH balanced formula
- Extra long shelf life
- Compatible with all gardening products – natural or conventional
- Clean and cleanse all garden systems and surfaces
- Extra concentrated and very economical
- Assists with rapid decomposition of all natural matter
- Clean pots and enclosures from salts and mineral build ups
- Compatible with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in low concentration
- Environmentally friendly and biodegradable
- No GMO’s
Available in: 45mL | 125mL | 250mL | 500mL | 1L