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Serving the community since 2001

Dried Wormwood 1oz

Artemisia absinthium The principal ingredient in the legendary liqueur Absinthe, wormwood use dates back to before 1600 BC. While used historically as a beverage ingredient, the FDA advises against the internal use of wormwood due to the substance thujone. Though wormwood is still used in the production of vermouth and Campari, it is as variety other than Artemisia absinthium.Dried Wormwood- 1oz - Brewer's Best

Woodruff was one of the essential garlands hung in medieval European churches in preparation for holidays. The distinctive scent of fresh-cut hay and vanilla gives an exhilarating flavor to wines, punches and beer. Woodruff is considered by the FDA to be safe for use in alcoholic beverages but caution is advised for other internal uses.

BREWER'S BEST® SPICES, HERBS & FRUIT FLAVORINGS We are pleased to offer a complete selection of specialty herbs, spices and sugars from Belgium. We believe the herbs, spices and sugars found in the Brewer's Garden line will enhance your brewing talents. Each product is attractively packaged with directions. Brochures available upon request, free of charge.